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Be sure to read before having liposuction!

Updated: Jan 7

Results are permanent

Liposuction offers permanent effects in terms of fat cell reduction. The human body has a fixed number of fat cells that can expand up to 30 times their size, leading to an increase in body fat. Liposuction effectively reduces the number of fat cells in the targeted area.

No weight gain after surgery, better liposuction outcomes

After liposuction the growth ability of the remaining cells still continues. Therefore, in case of serious weight gain after the procedure, all your fat cells will grow. Since your operated area contains less fat cells, it will get fatty less compared to other areas. This means an unbalanced fat gain. Therefore, it is important not to gain weight for the process to become permanent.

We cannot treat every belly type with liposuction

We cannot treat every fat belly type with liposuction. Fatty belly formation may be accompanied by both subcutaneous and organ fat increase. We can only remove subcutaneous fat. Click for detailed article

You cannot lose weight with liposuction

After the procedure, approximately 2-3 kg of fat is taken. So this is not a weight loss method

Does not cure cellulite

The main problem in cellulite is that some band structures beneath the skin compress the fat. We cannot cure cellulite without removing these bands.

You may also be candidate for skin-tightening surgery

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure primarily focused on removing excess fat from specific areas of the body. However, it's important to understand that liposuction alone doesn't address skin laxity, which refers to the looseness or sagging of skin. In fact, liposuction can sometimes exacerbate skin laxity, especially in patients who may already have loose skin due to factors like age, weight fluctuations, or the natural elasticity of their skin.

Be patient to see results

The results of liposuction typically become noticeable after the swelling goes down, which can vary from person to person. Initial improvements are often seen within a few weeks, but it can take up to 6 months for the full effects to be visible.

Generally safe with minor risks

Liposuction is widely considered a safe procedure. However, like any surgical operation, it does carry certain risks. These risks are infrequent and typically rare, but rest assured, our medical team will be there to support and guide you through every step of the process.

  1. Irregularity: The skin may appear bumpy or withered in some cases due to uneven fat removal or poor skin elasticity. To reduce the risk, it is important to perform Vaser liposuction using the right technique..

  2. Seroma: Pockets of fluid can form, potentially requiring drainage.

  3. Bleeding: Minor bleeding is common, but significant bleeding is a rare complication.

  4. Aesthetic Expectations:: Unfortunately, there's always a possibility that the results may not fully meet the patient's aesthetic goals. It's important to remember that individual healing factors and one's unique anatomy play a significant role in the outcome.

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